
Plumbing systems

J Gordon & Co has vast experience in all phases of plumbing from fresh-water and sea-water systems to gray and black water systems.

  • Black water systems: installation of the complete system from the head (see our VacuFlush section) to the holding tank. Extensive selection of tanks available at reasonable costs.
  • Fresh water system: include quality shower heads/faucets, hot water tanks and a selection of water pumps (12, 24, 120, 240 volt).
  • Gray water systems: shower sumps to sink drains
  • Raw water system: deck wash to sea water faucets to air conditioning pumps.

Raritan Servicing dealer

Products include marine toilets, waste treatment systems, icemakers and water heaters.Committed to the environment and preserving sea life, Raritan designs products to help maintain an environmental balance and ensure the quality of marine waters.

Seagull Water filters

* Counter-top chemical free purification at finger tips
* Easy to winterize for seasonal use.
* Stainless steel housing with replaceable cartridge.
* Quick and easy installation.
* We stock the filters at our office.


We are the Vacuflush dealers for the Annapolis area. See our page on vacuflush

Arid Bilge Systems

Dry Bilges

We provide products that automatically maintain a clean, dry bilge, improving the onboard environment while simultaneously protecting the surrounding marine habitat from harmful discharge.

  • Get rid of “that mature vessel smell”
  • Prevent mold and mildew growth
  • Reduce onboard humidity
  • Enhance the vessel’s resale value
  • Protect the hull from osmosis or corrosion
  • Lower maintenance costs
  • Prevent rust and condensation damage
  • Separate out oil with our add-on devices
  • Find small oil leaks easily
Call us for a quote for installion and sales